Operators of sustainability
Become an ambassador of sustainability
Behind each tourist experience: a world made of people, skills, projects, and services aimed at valorising resources
In the tourist development of a destination, you, our operators: Vallagarina’ s ambassadors and promoters, masters of hospitality, and custodians of its heritage.
As direct agents and promoters of Vallagarina, we ask you to embrace sustainability so to increase your performance, reduce waste, and use resources (natural, human, and economic resources efficiently, but above all, so to guide both our community and the tourists towards sustainable behaviours.
Be the engine of sustainable development of Vallagarina: find out more on the Platform Trentino Suite, fill the questionnaire, and discover the contents of the page thought for you.
If you are the owner of an accommodation, here you will be able to evaluate your current sustainability perfomance: despite the result, focus your efforts on your growth!
Quality brands and certifications
An opportunity for you, and Vallagarina. Why choose a certification? Competitive advantage: it is important to stand out, a certification can attract all of those guests who are looking for a travel experience merged with a specific cause; Networking: operating in a system composed by virtuous ...
Training courses
Training and career opportunities. Training opportunities and expertise development for public administration, enterpreneurs and employees, in Trentino. 2025 Catalogues Trentino School of Management Accademia d ...
Emissions reduction
Goal: net zero. Help tourism become carbon neutral by 2050. in order to reduce CO2 emissions, it is fundamental to adopt a strategic approach, divided into 4 main areas of action: optimization and resources saving (energy, water, food, human, economic) guests’ and crew ...
Energy consumption
Turn off the light, and save on the bill. 10 recommendations to reduce energy consumption in your facility. Start monitoring and registering the effective energy consumption: this way you can find out about your critical point, and work on them. Train the personnel: raising awareness on the ...
Water consumption
Drop-saving recommendations. 10 recommendation to reduce water consumption in your facility. Install latest generation or low water consumption taps and fittings to manage water flow rate responsibly Act on toilet flushing: install dual flushing cisterns to keep in check the amount of water ...
Waste managing
Practices for efficient waste managing. Advantages and advice to transform waste into opportotunities. Why choose an intelligent waste management? 1.Lesser environmental impact in terms of air, soil, water, and habitat pollution 2.Saving of natural and economic resources 3.Promotion of a circular ...