Waste managing

Practices for efficient waste managing

Advantages and advice to transform waste into opportotunities

Why choose an intelligent waste management?

1.Lesser environmental impact in terms of air, soil, water, and habitat pollution
2.Saving of natural and economic resources
3.Promotion of a circular business model than can influence positively the whole supply chain, and the community
4.Protection of ecosystems and biodiversity
5.Greater awareness in terms of consumptions and consumption habits
6.Compliance with laws and regulations

How to implement a responsible waste management:

  • Define an inventory of your waste considering all areas of the company and the life cycle of all incoming and outgoing products or services
  • Activate an internal operational protocol to define waste types, collection points, containers, temporary storage methods, collection frequency and individual tasks
  • Transcript the protocol, you will get a complete manual of regulations, guidelines and management documents
  • Rely, if necessary, on waste management software to have timely and real-time monitoring of risks and quantities produced
  • Commit to keeping track of all management operations through an internal register
  • Comply, and stay up-to-date with current legislation and participate in training courses
  • Get the personell involved and train them on how to manage waste disposal
  • Start periodic internal verification visits to identify any non-conformities


Some practical advice to prevent the formation of waste

  • Eliminate all single-use and single-dose from bathrooms, bedrooms, and kitchens, and replace them with refillable dispensers, reusable containers or provide additional items only if requested (e.g. soaps and detergents, shampoos, creams and slippers, packaged bakery and breakfast products, plastic cups, straws, coffee capsules, etc.)
  • Buy perishable products only in necessary quantities by opting for fresh, local and packaging-free supplies (preferably organic)
  • Always make tap water available, where not possible install a water purifier or buy it in glass bottles
  • Only buy all other beverages in glass bottles using the returnable-empty mechanism
  • Commit to always provide doggy bags to customers to avoid food waste
  • Again with a view to avoiding waste and making the most of unsold food, rely on and join dedicated platforms, apps and projects (Bring The Food, Too Good To go, Trentino Solidale, Last Minute Market, Banco Alimentare), even better by involving local associations
  • Alternatively use organic waste as compost for the green areas of your business
  • Provide separate waste collection containers in all spaces. If you have doubts about the disposal of specific waste, help yourself with the Junker app
  • Involve the guest with instructions, infographics or other tools to encourage more careful production and disposal of waste (e.g. anti-waste campaigns, bonus incentive system, etc.)
  • Where possible, replace paper with digital, alternatively always print double-sided and on recycled and/or certified paper

Find out more advice and information on the possibility of applying for the Trentino Eco-Restaurant and Eco-Events Mark by browsing through the specifications below.

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