Light and acoustic pollution reduction
Promoting a safer environment by reducing acoustic and light pollution
The natural light and the silence of nature: they are good for your body, heart… and bill!
Light pollution
Light pollution is the negative effect that the artificial light, unwanted or excessive, has on humans, and on the environment, and it is a topic strictly related to that of energy saving.
Moreover, this phenomenon not only is responsible for the disappearance of the starry night-sky, but generates negative impacts on mankind, animals, and vegetation: by breaking the biological mecchanisms based on the alternation of day and night and the succession of seasons, causing loss of orientation, and dazzle.
Here’s five tips to reduce light pollution:
1.Make the most out of natural light and create, where possible, buildings with wide windows, set in order to favour natural light.
2.Mind the type of light you chose: “cold” lights, typical of LED lamps, has a greater luminous impact, due to its higher frequencies.
3.Limit the light beams directed towards streets, other buildings or natural landmarks.
4.Time the lighting so that it is only active when really needed
5.Create a proper lighting system, so to prevent dazzle.
You can find out more about the topic of light pollution by consulting this brief guide!
Acoustic pollution
Along to light pollution, acoustic pollution is also detrimental: it is caused by the excessive exposition to high-intesity noises.
Accommodation, restaurants, bars, and other tourist facilities can, in fact, disrupt the local community e the sorrounding fauna, causing annoyance, distress, and pressure, that may result in psychophysical discomfort caused by the noise produced by the nearby activity. Both pets and wild animals can be harmed by the noise produced, which can result in a sense of disorientation and bewilderment of the animal.
Within the tourism sector, noise pollution is in most cases caused by public entertainment: you can consult the provincial guidelines on the subject at this link.