For a safe and respectful living
Security, respect and kindness
All the places have different customs, traditions, codes and norms of behavior, but what they share is the need to guarantee them respect and integrity in time in order to be able to pass on the heritage of each territory to future generations.
For this reason, here you will find a series of useful information to approach the place, as well as some important indications to live in a safe, conscious and respectful way the Vallagarina and its riches.
Useful numbers and links
Useful contacts of the territory. Are you in trouble? Do you need help? On this page you will find phone numbers to contact in case of need and some links dedicated to the climate and protection of Trentino, so that you can live our territory in full safety and always up to date! Single European ...
Responsible behaviour
The vademecum of the responsible tourist. A guide full of good practices to guide you to a unique, engaging and appropriate travel experience for the place and host community. In the organisation phase: Be informed. Seek out as much information as possible about the place you ...
Inside a treasure trove of biodiversity
What to know and do to protect this magnificent environment. To travel through Trentino is to travel through a magnificent treasure trove of biodiversity. In just a few kilometres, you can go from the Mediterranean scent of olive by Lake Garda to the majesty of high-altitude glacial environments.
Sustainable mobility
Drive the change. In the Trentino valley where nature, culture and taste meet let yourself be accompanied by the flow of the river Adige, stroll through the meadows and the lagarini woods and discover the history, folklore and good food: all without negatively affecting the environment! How ...
Waste management
Recycle the present for a cleaner future. Turn the act of traveling into an act of responsibility: reduce and properly dispose of your waste while respecting the places and the local community that host you. How? Informe yourself about the rules, schedule and collection centres of the resort ...