The Church of San Pietro in Bosco

Romanesque church where Theodolinda met her future husband Authari

The ancient Romanesque church of San Pietro in Bosco lies nestled amongst vineyards just a few kilometres from Ala, close to the road that leads to Verona. Dating back to the sixth century, it has a tall steeple with a spire of Veronese fired brick and Romanesque mullioned windows.

Within the church are some frescoes, among them a Christ in Majesty above the portal and Saint George slaying the dragon.

It is said that it was in this very church that Theodolinda, daughter of the Duke Garibaldo of Bavaria, met her future husband Authari, third King of the Lombards, in 589.

Info and map

The Church of San Pietro in Bosco

Corso Verona – Strada Statale 12 per Verona
38061 Ala (TN)

T: 0464 674068


Opening time

Guided tours every third Sunday of the month from May to September with departure at 10.00 am from Piazza San Giovanni. Free participation and no reservation is required.

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