The Parish Church of Avio

Ancient church from the early Middle Ages

The parish has ancient origins and served a vast territory that belonged to the diocese of Verona.

The immersion font and two capitals places to support the arches of the typical white stone bell tower date from the early Middle Ages and represent the most ancient part of the church that has a three nave layout, fruit of a complex architectural evolution.

Within are frescoes that can be dated to the late twelfth century, the work of anonymous Veronese masters.
Also from Verona, known as the city of the Scaligera, was Gian Maria Falconetto, who in the late fifteenth century painted the face of the apse with five medallions representing God the Father and the Four Evangelists.

We owe the elegant Quattro Sibille (Four Sibyls) to Paolo Farinati, who adorned the ceiling of the right aisle.

A valuable bas-relief in painted stone by Guglielmo Emanuelli dated 1502, represents Christ in Mercy, and emits a strong expressionist power.
The dedication to Our Lady the Immaculate is witnessed by a valuable sixteenth century wooden statue, traceable to the most prestigious Venetian workshops of the period.

The ex – voti present in this small sacristy bear witness to deeply rooted religion in this local community.

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The Parish Church of Avio

38063 Avio (TN)

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