Covered trench of Marani

From the foot of Monte Zugna to the Sanctuary of San Valentino

Recently renovated, the covered trench can be walked through inside. Here you can relive the tragic moments of the war of position of the Austro-Hungarian army.

Near the residential area of Marani, in the town of Ala, you will see a long covered trench, which goes from the main street, through the vineyards in the direction of Monte Zugna.

The trench is part of a defensive system realized by the Italian army from 1915.

Legacies of the Italian line, that used to lead from Monte Baldo to Monte Zugna, are also visible in the area of la Villetta, close to the town Chizzola.

How to get there

The covered trench of Marani is located in the hamlet of Marani di Ala. To reach it, take the small road that starts from the state road, near the “Marani” bus stop, and runs along the San Valentino stream.

Then turn right towards the ford and, after about 50 meters, the covered trench will be in front of you.

Click here to get the open street map coordinates.

Info and map

Museo Storico Italiano della Guerra

Via Castelbarco, 7
38068 – Rovereto (TN)

T: 0464 438100
F: 0464 423410

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