Austro-Hungarian military cemetery of Geroli

The memories of the Great War still alive on the slopes of Pasubio

One century has gone, but people’s pity hasn’t forgotten how many, although “enemies”, lost their life in the tragedy of the First World War.In time of war eight military cemeteries risen in Terragnolo. The biggest was the Austro-Hungarian military cemetery of Geroli where, from 1916 to 1918, 470 buries were dug, most of which were multiple. After the abandonment in the Seventies, when fallen were moved to the Casteldante Monumental Shrine, the cemetery of Geroli has now been restored, recovering and reallocating memorial stones and nameplates, that were buried.


How to get to:

The cemetery is located in Geroli, if you want to reach it you have to drive on the road “S.P. n. 138- Borcola” till Maureri and then go on the right in direction Sega, and then drive up to Geroli.

Eight small cemeteries

At the end of the Great War, in the Municipality of Terragnolo there were eight cemeteries (the biggest was the Geroli one) and about seventy small groups of scattered military corpses. In the cemetery of Geroli, Austria counted 734 bodies at the end of the war, among these 381 were unknown.
After 1919 for about ten years the deads have been searched throughout the Valley. The bodies from the small cemeteries of Borcola, Zoreri, Piazza, Valduga, Busa Bisorte, Baisi and Sega were exhumed and transported partly to Geroli and most of them to the Casteldante shrine in Rovereto.
In 1921 it was decided to leave in Geroli cemetery only the soldiers of the imperial royal army

The deceased of Geroli-Cemetery

In 1929 on the list of the fallen, there were 470 graves, 492 of known soldiers (404 Austrians, 76 Hungarians, 9 Russians and 3 Romanians) and 366 of unknown fighters.

The memory salvaging

Recently the Municipality and the Alpine Group of Terragnolo have restored and recovered this place of memory and today the Alpini take care of its maintenance.

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