Monte Corno Battisti and Monte Testo

A place where history was made in Trentino

Monte Corno is one of Pasubio’s symbol mountaintops. It was dedicated to Cesare Battisti who was captured on July 10, 1916, in the attempt to reach the summit. He was executed two days later in the valley of the Buonconsiglio, in Trento. Under the barren surface, a labyrinth of tunnels and burrows testify of the position warfare was fought in these mountains for three long years.

Near Monte Corno Battisti, Monte Testo looks like a green expanse on which pine trees, nigritella flowers and Edelweiss flourish. Recent recover work has made it possible to visit a complex of tunnels, trenches and artillery posts and observation outposts along the Vallarsa and on Monte Zugna.

Info and map

Museo Storico Italiano della Guerra

Via Castelbarco, 7
38068 – Rovereto (TN)

T: 0464 438100
F: 0464 423410

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