Monte Zugna and Passo Buole

On the Path of Peace, from the Trincerone to the Park of Peace, to the “Termopylae of Italy”

Climbing from Rovereto to Coni Zugna, a few kilometers after Albaredo, you will come across the front line. Just a few steps from the Austrian line, stands the imposing wall of the “Trincerone”, which has been partly reconstructed. Here, during the spring of 1916 the attacks of the Strafexpedition broke through. All around there are remains of trenches, walkways, observatories, machine-gun posts and war cemeteries.

Then proceed to the Rifugio Malga Zugna, where you will leave your car to continue by foot along the Path of Peace (Trail 115). After around 40 minutes you will reach the “Park of Peace”, where the Austrians had planned to build a fortress and had built a series of artifacts, among which a watershed for gathering the rain water and some barracks. The area was abandoned at the outbreak of hostilities and then occupied by the Italian military, who in turn built trenches, dug shelters in the rock, artillery posts and a hospital.

From the summit of Zugna with a mule track you can reach Passo Buole. This place was called “Termopylae of Italy” due to the extreme resistance by the Italian Army to the Austro-Hungarian offensive in May 1916, which intended to break through the front in Vallarsa to take the first line from behind the “Trincerone”. A chapel was erected in remembrance of the fallen soldiers.


Museo Storico Italiano della Guerra

Via Castelbarco, 7
38068 – Rovereto (TN)

T: 0464 438100
F: 0464 423410

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