The trenches of Val di Gresta

The Austro-Hungarian resistance close to Lake Garda

After abandoning Monte Baldo just before the war declaration, the Habsburg Army attested its defenses beyond the valley of Cameras, in Val di Gresta, that the empire kept till the end of the conflict, despite being object of intense bombardments.

The Monte Nagià Grom, near the town of Manzano, is today a very visited destination because of the easy access to the interesting fortified constructions in each season: gaunt in the stone, artillery observatories, kitchens, watersheds, depots, barracks, gun emplacements and many craters caused by bombardments give a realistic idea of the life conditions of soldiers in trenches.

Go some kilometers beyond Nagià Grom, to visit also the stationing of Monte Faè, which was part of the same defensive system and was an important stronghold to control the valley floor. From here the artilleries beat the Italian stationing on Monte Zugna and Monte Altissimo.

There were found trenches and establishments for artilleries. Going up to the mounts Biaena and Creino you will find out evident traces of the presence of the Austro-Hungarian troops, that, from the respective peaks, had the control on Rovereto, Vallagarina and northern Garda. On the first one, walk on the long trench that goes into the wood. You’ll also meet the wide watershed built to collect rain water.On the second one, visit the artillery observatory: you will understand why it had been built exactly there, from where you can enjoy a stunning view on Lake Garda and the Dolomites!

Info and map

Italian War History Museum

Via Castelbarco, 7 – 38060 Rovereto


T: 0464 438100
F: 0464 423410



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