The Wolf Gorge

An Austrian stronghold among high rock walls

Thematic path, located along an entrenched path overlooking the Terragnolo Valley with exciting panoramic views.

Mostly located in the Municipality of Terragnolo, it is one of the most amazing and emotional thematic paths dedicated to the First World War (1914-1918) in Trentino.

Starting from Piazza di Terragnolo, the route that brings the excursionist from one gorge to the other in between of the Austro-Hungarian fortifications makes this path unique as well as the wonderful landscapes and the views on Terragnolo valley, Passo della Borcola and Pasubio.

The entrenched path

The First World War had one of its most intense and tortured scenarios in the Terragnolo Valley. The mountains above the valley formed defensive bastions and a network of roads was built to reach them.
The road from Rovereto to Serrada was built in 1905 and proved to be very useful during the Great War, as it allowed the troops to easily reach the plateaus. An articulated entrenched path started right from the Cogola and ran along the high right side of the Terragnolo Valley, until reaching Forte Dosso delle Somme – Werk Serrada.

The Wolf Gorge, in German Wolfschlucht – Drachenschlucht, it is the narrow and suggestive passage between high rock walls that is located about halfway along the route and winds through narrow ravines, deep gorges, stairways, caves overlooking the rock.

A landscape that tells the story and the work of the valley

From the Wolf Gorge you can admire the dominant stretch of the valley, represented by the harshness and closure, within the circle formed by the mountain ranges above. A good observer will notice how over the centuries men have modified the steep terrain making them flatter and therefore easier to cultivate. Characteristic of Terragnolo are in fact the vaneze, those small terraces of flat or almost flat land, supported by dry stone walls built with great effort and skill, perfectly visible while walking along the Forra path.

Discover the Wolf’s Forra trail starting from Terragnolo.

Info and map

Comune di Terragnolo

Frazione Piazza, 14 38060

Terragnolo (TN)

T: 0464 396122


  • Terragnolo

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