Villa Romana in Isera

An urban-rural villa on the Via Claudia Augusta route

Discovered shortly after the Second World War, this unique villa is a precious treasure of Trentino-Alto Adige.

The ruins of the Roman Villa were discovered during the construction of the kindergardens in Isera. The building, not far from the Via Claudia Augusta route, has all the characteristics of an “urban-rural villa” construction. It is a large architectural complex in an agricultural property, testifying that here people were devoted to agriculture. It is divided into two different and complementary districts: the pars urbana area with halls, living rooms, frescoes and mosaics, and the pars rustica with structures dedicated to the productive operations of the villa.

The interest in the remains of the ancient building is due to Adriano Rigotti, a well-known expert of local antiquities, who promoted and coordinated the first archaeological excavation in 1973 , after a patient work of gathering testimonies and information. It was the prelude to a series of excavation campaigns supported and financed by the City Museum Foundation of Rovereto in synergy with the Centro Studi Lagarini and the University of Trento.

The City Museum Foundation organizes guided tours for schools and private groups (minimum 10 – maximum 25 people). Remember that you need to book at least a week in advance. Ask for an introductory lesson at the museum, accompanied by a slide show.

You can also reach the archaeological area by bus.


The Roman Villa of Isera is currently closed for restoration.

Info and map

City Museum Foundation of Rovereto

Borgo santa Caterina, 41

T: +39 0464 452800
F: +39 0464 439487

  • Fondazione Museo Civico

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