Parco Guerrieri Gonzaga

The green treasure of Vallagarina

In Villa Lagarina, the park is one of the most evocative and well-preserved green oases in Trentino. Surrounded by high walls, it faces the ancient palace, expanding over three hectares of pristine greenery.

In 1806 Baron Sigismondo de Moll, a competent and capable botanist, bought the property and transformed the vineyard overlooking the palace into a real romantic park. To create it, he asked the collaboration of a group of Austrian architects, the same ones who had created the Schönbrunn Park in Vienna.

The garden is a luxuriant landscape that offers interesting insights into rolling hills, avenues and sinuous paths, caves and woodlands that alternate harmoniously with the meadows. Numerous environments follow each other composing a refined mosaic. Geometries of box hedges line the large lemon-house that was once considered the northernmost greenhouse in Italy, in which numerous qualities of citrus fruits ripened.

Among the green of the foliage you can see a small lake and waterfall, a large cave, an aviary, an Austrian châlet, a small mausoleum where the Baron Sigismondo rests and a frescoed belvedere.

Splendid specimens of lime, ginko biloba alternate with horse chestnuts and plants typical of the Trentino vegetation such as oaks, beeches and maples. Among the many, a Himalayan spruce, oriental liquidambars, a majestic black walnut and an extraordinarily large plane tree stand out: 47 meters in height, 6.40 in trunk circumference and 36 in diameter of the crown.

In the 1950s the property was inherited by the Marquis Guerrieri Gonzaga who still care for it with great attention and respect today.

The park is a continuous alternation of exquisite plant environments. Wars have spared him, men with intelligence and passion have made him unique.

Info and map

Parco Guerrieri Gonzaga

Villa Lagarina (TN)

Entrance from Via Garibaldi at the municipal parking lot

T: 0464 351176

Opening time

The Park is open from 12 April to 27 October 2024 with the following opening hours:

10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. (last admission 5 p.m.), Friday to Sunday.

The Park will be closed in the event of bad weather or strong winds. We recommend calling ahead in case of uncertain weather.



  • Full 9 €
  • Reduced 7 €  for 7 – 17 years old, over 70, enrolled in Great Gardens | ADSI | Garden Club, ticket holders of the Rovereto Civic Museum, groups (minimum 10 people)
  • Children 0-6 years and people with disabilities: free

Family ticket (Children = 7 to 17 years)

  • 2 adults + 2 children 22€
  • 2 adults + 1 boy 15€
  • 1 adult + 1 child 10€

20% discount for Trentino Guest Card

  • Guided tours: extra charge 4 €
  • Saturdays and sundays: at 11.00 and at 15:30

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