“Salvatore Nuvoli” Postcard Museum

In Isera, land of Marzemino, 35.000 postcards from Trentino Alto Adige

Isera’s Postcard Museum narrates the history of an invention of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which revolutionized the communication sector, more than a century prior to Twitter.

Isera, land of Marzemino, is also a point of reference for historical research and collecting, thanks to the themed-images of the “Salvatore Nuvoli” Postcard Museum. The collection ranges from rare 19th-century examples to modern-day images.

The subjects? World War I, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, political satire, events of the Renaissance, the Tyrolean uprising, the best known tourist resorts in Trentino and Alto Adige.

The Postcard Museum of Isera was founded in the late 1980s with Carmelo Nuvoli’s donation of his collection to the Town of Isera. An inspired intuition stopped the dispersion of an extensive collection gathered through the decades by Carmelo, who in 1992 decided to dedicate the museum to his father Salvatore. A center of postcard documentation and relative culture of the images and words, the museum offers a curious and unprecedented glimpse into the customs, lifestyles, the landscape, urban and cultural transformations in Trentino Alto Adige, but also in Europe and the world!

The museum contains an extensive collection of illustrated postcards, quick and confidential messages, visual and verbal memories of our history when, more than 100 years before Twitter, the popular thing was the postcard.

Among the most curious pieces in Isera, we recommend a French postcard from 1904: it looks like a book, which, once opened, “reveals” a butterfly ready to take flight. Rather, one of the smallest postcards in the world (3 x 5.6 cm), arrived from Cuba, while other interesting examples have holes into which you can insert your fingers to act as legs of ballerina, or the nose of a face.

Info and map

"Salvatore Nuvoli" Postcard Museum

Via Galvagni, 10
38060 – Isera (TN)

T: +39 0464 420840

  • Museo della Cartolina Salvatore Nuvoli

Opening time

Wednesday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

For visits by appointment, please contact the library of Isera: +39  0464 437296

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