The footsteps of dinosaurs

Today as 200 million years ago

Discover hundreds of footsteps of dinosaurs, set up in the Jurassic time, when the Adige Valley used to appear as a wide muddy plain.

PLEASE NOTE: the area is closed for restoration work. Completion date to be defined.

In the South of Rovereto were identified hundreds of footsteps of dinosaurs, frequently organised as real tracks. The footsteps of dinosaurs date back to 200 million years ago and were discovered in 1990 from a passionate naturalist from Rovereto.
The footsteps can be divided in the different types:

  • the herbivorous Vulcanodontidi that were from 5 to 6 meters long and reached a weight between one and two tons, although the site also includes the footsteps of an animal, that was more than 10 meters long
  • the littler Ornitischia herbivorous
  • the carnivorous Ceratosauri used to measure 4-5 meters long and weighted approximately 800 kg.

But how did the footsteps set up? In the Jurassic era the current Adige Valley used to appear as a wide muddy plain bordering with the warm sea of Tetide: the heavy steps of dinosaurs remained impressed in the mud, that later became grey limestone, letting the conservation of footsteps.

How to get there

Reach Rovereto and follow the signs for the Monumental Shrine “Sacrario Militare Castel Dante”. Pass the Shrine and continue for about 4 km along the “Strada degli Artiglieri”, until the end of the road. The road is accessible to cars or by vehicles with a length not exceeding 8.70 m and no more than 2.50 m wide.
Park the car and walk, backwards, along the asphalt road for about 200 meters. Take then the dirt road along which there are numerous stone tables with information about the paleontological area.
After walking for about 30 minutes, you will reach the point from which you will admire the footsteps. Take a look at the map!

Info and map

Paleontological area of the footsteps of dinosaurs

Località Lavini di Marco
38068 Rovereto (TN)


T: 0464 452800

PLEASE NOTE: the area is closed for restoration work. Completion date to be defined.

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