Palazzo Eccheli Baisi

Eighteenth century country manor house

The palazzo was built in the late sixteenth century, joining some pre- existing medieval buildings.

Today it is home to the Museo del Fossile (Fossil Museum), the botanic garden and some temporary exhibitions.

The sixteenth century facade stile preserves a fresco of the Madonna and Child and Saint Sebastian, but unfortunately it is badly damaged.

Green is the dominant colour of the palazzo: the Eccheli di Pilcantes, the builders and first inhabitants of the palace, managed the terre verte mines in Dosso and Viana (close to Brentonico), granted by Venice. Terre verte was used in the past as a dye for fabrics and a pigment for oil colours.

On the ground floor is a double-height living room with balcony and frescoed ceiling, and stairway access to the garden: from here you can enjoy a magnificent view of the Brentonico Plateau. Many frescoed rooms are to be admired on the first floor, such as the room of green columns, the room of abduction (with frescoes of the abduction of the Sabine women and the kidnapping of Helen of Troy) and the room of arts (music, architecture, geography and painting). The second floor has more frescoes to offer: mythological scenes such as Leda and Zeus or landscapes from Brentonico.

In 1840 the residence was sold to the Baisi family (hence the double name). Producers of cold cuts, traders, owners of pastures and agricultural lands, the Baisis opened the second door in the main facade and there established their business.

On the third floor of Palazzo Baisi you can visit the permanent exhibition “Farmacia Maturi”, where you can admire a perfectly preserved rural drugstore of the beginning of the past century (1922).

In the inner rooms of the Palace you can currently visit also a photo exhibition ‘What we are‘.

Info and map

Palazzo Eccheli Baisi

Via Mantova, 4
38060 Brentonico (TN)

T: +39 0464 395149


Opening time

For group visits by appointment, please contact the municipal office.

Opening time until 30th June 2024:
Monday closed
Tuesday to Sunday: 10.30 – 12.30 and 15.30 – 18.30

Opening time from 1st July to 15th September:
Monday closed.
Tuesday to Sunday: 10.30 – 12.30 and 16.00 – 19.00



Free admission

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