Villages, vineyards, mountains

Rovereto and Vallagarina

Rovereto, just north of Verona, has always been a cultural crossroad, a ring of connections between plains, mountains, Italian and German culture. The city is deeply rooted in the Venetian domination of the 15th century, in the institutions founded in the 1700s and in its excellent international museums, from the Mart to the War Museum.

All around, the Vallagarina, welcomes you with a nearly unchanged landscape: the prestigious vineyards of valley, crossed by the Adige River, dominated by castles and dotted with villages of ancient origins, the Brentonico’s subalpine pastures in the Monte Baldo Park, Val di Gresta’s terraced fields, and the rocky peaks of the Piccole Dolomiti of Vallarsa. Welcome to Trentino!

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