Albe in Malga in Monte Baldo Park

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Where? Monte Baldo


Cheesemaker for a day by Mortigola farm

Wake up at dawn to milk cows and watch the production of yoghurt, butter and cheese. Then everybody in the hut to have a big and healthy breakfast!

“Dawns in huts “ came back also this summer in Mount Baldo Park!

That’s the program of the day:

  • 6.00 am – Let’s meet by hut! The place is easy to reach, but with some pleasant surprises. Despite being close to the, it is an enchanted place, where you can hear cow-bells and observe the animals pasturing in the meadows.
  • 6.30 am –together  with Leonardo, (farmer and hut’s owner), we will gather the cows … 1..2..3 .. here they are ready to be milked!
  • 7.00 am – and now … let’s  milk the cows : clean up the barn, the more we are, the faster and easier it will be!
  • 7.30 am – Marina (Leonardo’s wife) invites us for a great breakfast, sweet, salty, and above all healthy: since last year the hut is ORGNIC certified for every product and processing.
  • 8.00 am – Visit to the dairy where Leonardo will tell us about the process of making milk into cheese.

Some more suggestions for sunny days:

To take part in the experience, it is necessary to comply with the Covid dispositions in respect with the currently in force law.

Info and map

Ufficio Turistico di Brentonico

Via F.Filzi 37 – Brentonico

T: +39 0464 395149



    Cost of the experience:

    • Adults: € 17
    • Youths 11-14 years: € 14
    • Children 4-10 years: € 11
    • Children 0-3 years: free

    Participants: minimum 4, maximum 20 people.

    Registration: by 12.00 noon on the day before the activity. In case of cancellation (decided by Apt and due to force majeure) the registration fee will be refunded.

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