Camminata delle Teragnóle

Where? Sentiero delle Teragnóle


Travelling through history and flavor: Commemorative Walk along the historic trail of Teragnòle.

Strolling down the trail where Terragnolo’s women walked to reach Rovereto: memories of the valley and town’s encounter.

Reliving through history by sauntering down the ancient path that used to connect Terragnolo’s valley with Rovereto. Between XIX and XX centuries it was daily walked through by the towns women to reach the city and then to sell, on squares and in homes, the mountains products. The trail was then walked back by the “teragnóle” (these women) later during the day to get back to their mundane agricultural and house chores.

A leap into the past to enjoy the landscapes’ beauty of an unspoilt valley and to nourish the memory of these women’s struggles, to whom this trail pays tribute to.

The attendees will have the opportunity to live commemorative moments and evocative emotions along a path overflowing with traditions and history, where one can enjoy the natural beauties of a mostly untouched valley.


Departure: Sala Circoscrizione Centro – ground floor at Casa Adami (Piazza San Marco n. 7)

Stages: Over 10 informative and evocative moments, two breaks and lunch on arrival

Duration:  Approx. 4-5 hours (including stops)

Distance: Approx. 12 km

Difference in Altitude: Approx. 600 m


  • Break 1: Barley coffee, “becca” and buckwheat biscuits called Térragnoli.
  • Break 2: “Fanzelto” and wine or elderberry juice
  • Lunch: Single dish (sausages, polenta and sauerkraut), desert, coffee, water and wine


  • Informative materials, gadgets and brochures will be given out as souvenirs
  • Under request there will be a bus shuttle to the way back (only stop: Rosmini square) from 4 pm (alternatively independent return)

Equipment: A layered and comfortable outfit is suggested, together with rain coat, backpack, water bottle or flask and headlamp, trekking shoes or boots.

Book your tickets here.

In case of bad weather the manifestation will be held the 5th of October 2024.

Info and map

Azienda per il Turismo Rovereto Vallagarina e Monte Baldo

Corso Rosmini, 21
38068 Rovereto (TN)

T: +39 0464 430363

The route follows a dirt path, which requires a certain amount of effort, not because of its difficulty but because of its length. The walk is not suitable for buggies. Presence of some slightly exposed points.
Dogs on a leash with muzzle if necessary.


Opening time

Sunday 29 September – Registration and departure at Sala Circoscrizione Centro – ground floor of Casa Adami (Piazza San Marco no. 7)

  • Departures at approximately half-hourly intervals from 07.15 am to 08.15 am (three groups will be formed). When booking, you can choose your departure time.

Please indicate whether you need to use the shuttle bus for the return journey or not.



  • Adults (aged 19 and over): 25.00 €
  • From 6 to 18 years: 18.00 €
  • From 0 to 5 years: free

Additional cost per person (children too) for shuttle bus service: € 3.00

Please indicate any allergies and/or intolerances (VEGETARIAN, VEGAN, CELIAC) when booking.

Tickets can be purchased in the following ways:

  • Online with credit card
  • At the Azienda per il Turismo Rovereto Vallagarina e Monte Baldo offices

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