Mountains of History

Where? Vallagarina


From the trenches to the forts in the mountains, we learn more about the legacy of the Great War

The Great War in Trentino narrated by mountain guides, walking on the front line of history on the peaks of Vallagarina.

A day in the footsteps of the First World War, starting from the numerous historical sites in the mountains around Rovereto, in the company of a mid-mountain guide to explore the theme of the conflicts, experiencing at first hand the places that gave rise to the various crucial battles, in an evocative journey back in history.



Friday 15th of July: Alpe Alba and Monte Testo 

An interesting but relatively easy excursion, which allows us to get to know – in the first part – an unseen Pasubio, which on its paths bears the traces of the centuries-old relationship between men and the high lands (alpine huts, hay meadows, small mountain huts). After stopping for lunch (not included) at the ‘Vincenzo Lancia’ refuge, we will visit a complex of galleries dug into the rock by the Austrian army – Mount Testo – which will bring attention to the transformation of the mountains into ‘workshops’ produced by the Great War.

  • Where: meet at Pian del Cheserle (junction 132B) at 9 a.m.
  • Duration: about 7 h including lunch stop
  • Height difference: about 650 m
  • Difficulty: medium difficulty outing, suitable for children age 10+
  • Clothing: hiking shoes, sportswear, long-sleeved jumper, waterproof jacket, sunglasses, water bottle.

book the 15.07 excursion here


Friday 22nd of July: Nagià Grom stronghold

Have you ever walked inside an old trench? The Nagià Grom stronghold is a network of trenches, foxhole and artillery positions of the Austro-Hungarian front line dating back to the First World War. It is a very complex and interesting entrenched camp, one of the few where many elements of the “logistical” area (kitchens, cisterns, depots, generator emplacements, etc.) are highlighted.

The route initially twist and turn its way through the cultivated fields of the Val di Gresta, soon arrive at the positions of the Caposaldo, where the exploratory visit will be concentrated. At the end of the visit, we return to Valle S. Felice along the same route.

  • Where: meeting at 9.00 a.m. at the church in Valle S. Felice (about 30 minutes from Rovereto by car). Return to Valle S. Felice at about 12.30 p.m.
  • Duration: approx. 3h 30 excursion and visit to the trenches
  • Height difference: about 250 metres
  • Difficulty: medium-easy outing, suitable for children age 6+.
  • Clothing and equipment: comfortable walking shoes or hiking boots, long-sleeved shirt, waterproof jacket, rucksack and water bottle.

book the 22.07 excursion here


Friday 29th of July: Trincerone and Monte Zugna 

Starting from the Trincerone area (1375 m), we immediately visit the Austrian and Italian front lines, as they were set up after the Austrian spring offensive in May 1916, and continue following the Italian back lines as far as the S. Matteo cemetery (remains); we then take the ‘Sentiero del Sinel’ (Sinel Path), which, surrounded by woods, leads to the refuge. From the refuge, follow the military road that takes you to the summit of Monte Zugna (1864 m), passing through the Parco della Pace, where you can observe the artefacts that the Austro-Hungarian genius built in anticipation of a fort that was never finished. On the peak, we return to the refuge where it will be possible to stop for lunch (not included): either at the facility or lunch packed on the surrounding meadows.

After the break, the return to the starting point is along paths and an easy forest road through the woods.

  • Where: meeting at 9 a.m. – departure from the Trincerone area (1375 m)
  • Duration of excursion: about 6 hours – lunch break included
  • Height difference: 490 m
  • Difficulty: medium. Suitable for children aged 10+.
  • Clothing and equipment: comfortable walking shoes or hiking boots, long-sleeved jumper, waterproof jacket, rucksack, water bottle, snack and possible packed lunch.

book the 29.07 excursion here


Friday 5th of August: Mount Creino Trenches

A tour of an important and well-preserved Austro-Hungarian stronghold, the keystone of the empire’s defence between Garda and Adige, formed by trenches, communication trenches, galleries and rock artillery positions. At the same time, not surprisingly, it is one of the most beautiful viewpoints over the lake and Val di Gresta.

  • Where: S. Barbara Pass car park 9 a.m.
  • Duration: about 3 hours (1 hour outward, 1 hour visit to the trenches, 1 hour return)
  • Height difference: 150 m
  • Difficulty: medium-easy outing, suitable for children age 8+.
  • Clothing and equipment: rucksack, hiking shoes, sportswear, sweatshirt, waterproof jacket, sunglasses, water bottle.

book the 5.08 excursion here


Friday 12th August: Corno della Paura – Monte Vignola

The itinerary starts from Camping Polsa, a tourist location at an altitude of around 1260 metres on the northern slope of the Monte Baldo chain, and continues first across the pastures of Malga Susine to Bocca d’Ardole, where the view opens onto Vallagarina and the village of Sabbionara dominated by its medieval castle. Here, with a short deviation, it is possible to visit the Italian military galleries dug into the vertical walls of the Corno della Paura to reach the artillery emplacements on the peak. The itinerary then continues along the military road until reaching Monte Vignola (maximum altitude: 1606 m a.s.l.) – where an Austro-Hungarian stronghold was planned, later abandoned in 1915, the preparatory works of which are still visible – with its Austro-Hungarian fortifications and logistical works (including an impluvium for collecting rainwater and the ruins of the military camp). Comfortable downhill return to Polsa.

  • Where: meeting at 9.30 a.m. at the campsite in Polsa (Brentonico), about 45 minutes from Rovereto by car. Return at about 15.30
  • Duration: about 6 hours including stops
  • Height difference: approx. 450 metres
  • Difficulty: medium difficulty outing, suitable for children age 10+.
  • Clothing and equipment: rucksack, walking shoes, sportswear, sweatshirt, waterproof jacket, sunglasses, water bottle. Packed lunch.

book the 12.08 excursion here


Friday 19 August: ‘Sentiero dele teragnòle’ (Teragnòle trail)

The route has various aspects worthy of interest (naturalistic, geomorphologic and toponomastic) but especially invites us to discover the paths that in ancient times connected the Terragnolo Valley – colonised by the roncatores of Germanic origin in the 13th century – with the city of Rovereto and that were used daily by the women of the valley, in the 19th and 20th centuries, to reach the city and sell the products of the mountain economy in the squares.

From the church dedicated to San Martino, follow the directions for route F2; in this section, the country road crosses the locality of Le Carote, then continues until it reaches SP2. Having crossed the provincial road in the locality of Masi Brenta ( an agritourism), continue along the old road until you reach the small road that leads to the locality of Perini; in this section the path is excavated in the rock and offers panoramic views of wild beauty; continue, crossing Perini and continue along the path in the direction of Valgrande, where you must descend for a short distance on the SP 2 and reconnect with the path at a house on the left-hand side of the road. From here, it is a short distance to Valduga where, downstream from the road, the Cesura path is taken, descending in the direction of the Leno – overcoming the landslides looming over the riverbed – to the localities of Fontanelle and S. Nicolò. Once past the village, with a short deviation, we reach the 18th-century church of S. Antonio, where the ancient ‘copéra’ (tile factory) used to be – until we meet the path that climbs from the gorge to the Noriglio sports field.

  • Where: meeting point at the church of Noriglio (S. Martino) at 8.30 a.m.
  • Duration: about 4.30 h including a stop for a snack
  • Height difference: about 300 m
  • Difficulty: medium difficulty outing, suitable for children age 10+
  • Clothing: hiking shoes, sportswear, long-sleeved jumper, waterproof jacket, sunglasses, snack, water bottle.

book the 19.08 excursion here

Where, how, how much

  • Activities have a minimum of 6 participants and a maximum of 25.
  • Booking is obligatory by 12 noon on the Thursday before the visit
  • Cost of the full-day activity (guided tour of the area) € 10 adults, € 7 reduced (for Trentino Guest Card and Museum Pass holders)
  • Cost of the half-day activity (guided tour of the area) € 7 adults, € 5 reduced (for Trentino Guest Card and Museum Pass holders)
  • Free for children up to 9 years old

Info and map

Apt Rovereto e Vallagarina

Corso Rosmini, 21

38068 Rovereto (TN)

T: 0464430363


Opening time

  • The meeting time for all hikes is set for 9 a.m. The return trip varies depending on the difficulty of the route.


Guided hike in the mountains

  • Cost of full day activity (guided excursion in the area) € 10 adults, € 7 reduced (for Trentino Guest Card and Museum Pass holders)
  • Cost of half-day activity (guided excursion in the area) € 7 adults, € 5 reduced (for Trentino Guest Card and Museum Pass holders)
  • Free for children up to 9 years of age

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