Picasso, de Chirico and Dalí

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A dialogue with Raphael

One hundred masterpieces from some of the main international museums: an unpublished and in-depth study on the way in which Raffello’s art has influenced three of the most important protagonists of the twentieth century.

Picasso, de Chirico and Dalì. A dialogue with Raphael

Although approaching Raphael in wholly different ways, the three artists were inspired by the lesson that his work provided, which they studied, quoted and interpreted throughout their long careers.
Whilst de Chirico openly showed his admiration for Raphael, whom he considered an important source of reference during the development of his poetical Metaphysical art and successive classical period, Dalí made no mystery about his veneration of this great master. On the other hand, Picasso never confessed to his direct encounter with the Renaissance master’s work, despite the latter appearing to have influenced some of the Spaniard’s masterpieces, inspiring an irreverent series of etchings dedicated to the theme of Raphael and La Fornarina.

The exhibition is structured into 8 themed sections, three of which explore each artist’s individual relationship with Raphael’s art, which was learned and systematic for de Chirico, vehemently self-identificatory for Dalí, and more immediate and critical for Picasso.

Featuring 100 masterpieces that illustrate the dialogue between ancient and modern art, loans have been sourced from some of the most important international museums, such as Gallerie degli Uffizi, Musée national Picasso (Paris) and Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí (Figueres).

Info and map


Corso Bettini, 43

38068 Rovereto (TN)

T: +39 0464 438887


Reservations through the call center: 800 397760


Opening time

From Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00 to 18.00 and on Friday from 10.00 to 21.00

It is mandatory to book tickets online or through the call center (800 397760) during the weekend.


Price list

  • adults € 11,00
  • students from 15 till 26 years, members of certain associationsgroups min. 15 – max. 30, over 65: € 7,00
  • free for under 14, “Friends of the Museum” and schools
  • Ticket included in the Museum Pass
  • family Ticket € 22,00
  • Combined ticket for the 3 seats (Mart, Futurist Gouse of Art Depero, Civic Gallery of Trento): adults 14,00€ – children € 10,00
  • Free entry every 1st sundays of the month
  • Guided visits:  by prearrangement, call free on 800 397 760.
  • Family workshop € 5,00 pro child

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