Relaxing in the woods

Where? Malga Riondera

When? Sunday 14 July and 25 August

Regenerate yourself by walking in the forest and activate your senses

An opportunity to activate your senses in nature, listening to and embracing the energies of the forest.

The ‘Relaxing in the woods’ activity allows participants to take a walk in the forest, during which they will try to activate their senses in order to perceive the sounds, shapes, scents and colours that nature has to offer. Participants will be provided with a basket containing some objects that can help them discover the natural elements. Part of the course will also be dedicated to listening to the energies coming from the forest and plants, trying to connect them with one’s personal feelings in an attempt to experience lightness and relaxation.

Through some simple practices we will try to explore sensations and emotions that today, in everyday life, often remain hidden or perceived in an unbalanced way. It will be a way of discovering a different way of communicating with the forest, a method that can achieve psycho-physical wellbeing, which can then help us to face everyday life in a different way.

At the end of the experience, those who wish will be able to share their experience.

The activity will begin with a welcome session at 09.30 a.m. and will end at 1 p.m., followed by the possibility of booking a delicious tasting session with typical malga products. By booking both the experience and the tasting, a malga cake will be included!

Book now and relax in the woods!

For those who wish in the afternoon, it will be possible to book the second activity dedicated to bees.

This activity involves trying out the Wellness Apiary, built directly by the managers of Malga Riondera, made entirely of larch wood from the surrounding forests, which spreads its resinous perfume and allows you to benefit from the following treatments:

  • Api-Aroma: enjoy the scents of the beehive, honey, propolis, beeswax and benefit from the balsamic and fluidifying action of resins and essential oils, useful for the wellbeing of the entire respiratory system
  • Api-Sound: benefit from the buzzing of bees that promotes relaxation and meditation thanks to the frequencies that offer a relaxing action in tune with the sound of nature

After a short presentation of the experience and the use of the wellness apiary by beekeeper Andrea, participants will enter the room where, comfortably seated on some deckchairs, they can relax and rest while observing, through some glass windows, the bees and their continuous work. After enjoying the bee-aroma and the bee-sound, participants will be able to prepare themselves an excellent herbal tea of melliferous flowers and sweeten it with Malga Riondera honey. The wellness room also features an engaging bee library with books suitable for both adults and children. The time for apitherapy is 45 minutes.

You can book your own one-hour shift from 17.00 to 20.00. If you book the second activity as well, you will receive a wonderful pure beeswax candle as a gift.

To enjoy the full experience, book the second activity here and relax in the apiary!


Info and map

Azienda per il Turismo Rovereto Vallagarina e Monte Baldo

Corso Rosmini, 21
38068 Rovereto (TN)

T: 0464 430363
F: 0464 435528


Opening time

When: Sunday 14 July and 25 August

  • Relaxing in the woods: From 9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Relaxing in the Wellness Apiary: one-hour appointment that can be booked from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Meeting point: Malga Riondera

We recommend bringing a backpack, a folding umbrella, a small towel or blanket, and clothing and footwear suitable for the mountains and the season.


Cost of the experience

Relaxing in the wood:

  • Adults: € 10 with the possibility of tasting typical alpine products at an additional cost of € 15
  • Children up to the age of 10: € 5 with the possibility of tasting typical alpine products at an additional cost of € 15

Relaxing in the Wellness Apiary:

  • Adults: € 15 with the possibility of tasting typical alpine products at an additional cost of € 15
  • Children up to the age of 10: € 5 with the possibility of tasting typical alpine products at an additional cost of € 15

By booking both the experience and the tasting you will be offered an alpine pastry!

By booking both experiences you will receive a wonderful pure beeswax candle for free!

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