Guided tours for groups in Rovereto


A day to discover the city centre

Customised itineraries for groups through the streets of the Athens of Trentino. Accompanied by a guide, discover stories and secrets of the city from the Middle Ages to the present day.

The offer includes a guided tour of the city of Rovereto in Italian, English or German lasting 2 hours. Possibility of admission to the Italian War History Museum, Mart, Casa Depero, the Museum of the City, the Museum of Science and Archaeology (extra charge).

With an additional hour’s service it is possible to head with the guide up to Colle di Miravalle to admire the Bell of the Peace and listen to its history. Possibility of access to the Campana dei Caduti (extra charge).

Any other services such as coffee, wine or schnapps tasting, lunch, dinner or bus rental can be requested from the sales department and added to the package.

Please note:

  • Price per group of minimum 18 and maximum 45 participants
  • Entrance to monuments can be included in the offer with a separate quotation
  • On request, we organise coffee, wine or schnapps tastings, lunch, dinner and coach transfers to and from the location. These services can be included in the offer with a separate quotation

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