Agritur Maso Naranch

A mountain farm with a view over Lake Garda

At Maso Naranch mountain flavors, Trentino tradition and a magnificent view to admire breathtaking sunsets while tasting a  delicious aperitif.

“Naranch” is the perfect place to try the local specialities of Trentino tradition in a cozy and welcoming atmosphere.

In the menu you will find the tartare made with marinated beef-meat, ricotta dumplings with local herbs and truffle-polenta. In addition, you will find their delicious products that grow in the near organic garden, treated with biological agriculture and transformed into creams and vegetables preserved in oil that contain all the flavors of Val di Gresta.

Here you can also find a volleyball field, several walking path, MTB-trails and climbing areas.

And then a special bench, to admire the delightful scenery of Lake Garda at sunset.

  • Environment: Rustic, country, elegant
  • Seats: 120 inside and 50 outside
  • Spoken languages: Italian, English, German
  • Credit cards: All

Info and map

Agritur Maso Naranch

Loc. Pannone
38065 Mori (TN)

T: +39 0464 356113
M: +39 347 8934192 / 329 2212978


Opening time

Opening hours:

  • April, May, June, September and October: open during the weekend
  • July and August: open every day.

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