
Typical restaurant and gourmet pizzeria

At Baldostube you will find the traditional and welcoming “Trentino stube”, but in a young environment.

The refined decor brings to the mind the warmth of the traditional “Trentino stube“, a meeting point in Brentonico. And that’s exactly how its owners want to welcome their guests, with care and warmth.

The menu is prepared considering even the smallest detail, starting from the ingredients, which represent the excellences of the territory, used to enhance the genuine flavors of the past, to the service that aims to promote the culture of the territory since its origins.

  • Environment: Typical Trentino
  • Seats: 65 inside
  • Spoken languages: Italian, English, German
  • Credit cards: All

Info and map


Via Milano, 1
38060 Brentonico (TN)

T: +39 0464 395146

Opening time

The restaurant is open from Monday to Sunday from 12.30 pm to 2 pm and from 6 pm to 11 pm.

Closing day: Saturday at lunch.

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