Maso Palù

Mountain flavours in Monte Baldo Natural Park

The local restaurant Maso Palù awaits you in the heart of the Monte Baldo Natural Park, 1 km far from Brentonico, on the road that leads to San Giacomo.

The tasting menus prepared by Emiliana, the cook, enhance all the flavours of the mountain: wild herbs, chestnuts, butter and mountain cheeses are expertly combined to accompany you in a taste journey that differs in every season.

The restaurant has been reported in the guide Osterie d’Italia Slowfood and Restauranti d’Italia Gambero Rosso. You can reach it in just 15 minutes from the Rovereto Sud A22 highway exit and it has a large private car park.

  • Environment: Welcoming
  • Seats: 90 inside and 20 outside
  • Spoken languages: Italian, English, German, Spanish
  • Credit cards: All

Info and map

Maso Palù

Via Graziani, 56
38060 Brentonico (TN)

T: +39 0464 395014
F: +39 0464 395014


Opening time

Opening hours:

  • Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 12.30 pm to 2.30 pm and from 7.30 pm to 9.15 pm
  • closed on Monday and Thurdsay.

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