Antica Gardumo restaurant

A welcoming place with homemade cooking

Antica Gardumo restaurant is located in Ronzo-Chienis, in the heart of Val di Gresta, a unique place that has managed to keep intact the stories and memories of the past.

A typical revisited and creative cuisine that favors local products starting with the genuine vegetables of Val di Gresta, the first organic district of Trentino.

Chef Giovanni and his brother Emanuele pay particular attention to both the preparation and the decoration of each dish. In fact, the bread, the first courses and the desserts are all rigorously homemade. The restaurant also offers menus for groups suitable for different occasions: business dinners, weddings, anniversaries and birthdays.

From what was once the stable, a suggestive wine shop has been created, with the typical barrel vault. Here, starting from 6.30 pm, you can enjoy a good glass of wine accompanied by platters of tasty cold cuts and cheeses.

But Antica Gardumo is not just a restaurant, it is also a welcoming B&B with a garden and an outdoor terrace, the perfect place for a two or more day immersion in this enchanted valley.

  • Environment: Welcoming
  • Seats: 80 inside and 80 outside
  • Spoken languages: Italian, English, German
  • Credit cards: All

Info and map

Antica Gardumo Restaurant

Via ai Piani, 1
38060 Ronzo Chienis (TN)

T: +39 0464 802855
M: +39 328 7348872
F: +39 0464 803207


Opening time

Opening hours:

  • from Tuesday to Friday from 7 pm to 10.30 pm
  • Saturday from 12 pm to 2.30 pm and from 7 pm to 10.30 pm
  • Sunday from 12 pm to 2.30 pm
  • closed on Sunday evening and Monday.

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