Piccolo Fiore Restaurant Pizzeria

More than 80 special pizzas in Rovereto city center

Piccolo Fiore restaurant pizzeria is located in Rovereto along Corso Rosmini, which leads from the train station to Rosmini Square.

Run by a family business, the “Piccolo Fiore” offers traditional Trentino cuisine, a wide choice of fresh salads and over 80 special pizzas.

The restaurant staff is available to carefully prepare gluten-free dishes in compliance with customers’ needs.

“Piccolo Fiore” is located in a central position, which allows you to easily reach the main attractions of the city. It is located right next to the birthplace of Antonio Rosmini and his immense library and it is a few minutes far from Mart museum and the Italian War History Museum.

  • Environment: Familiar
  • Seats: 80 inside and 50 outside
  • Spoken languages: Italian, English, German
  • Credit cards: All

Info and map

Piccolo Fiore Restaurant Pizzeria

Corso Rosmini, 22
38068 Rovereto (TN)

T: +39 0464 421430
M: +39 347 6729533
F: +39 0464 421430


Opening time

Opening hours:

  • from Tuesday to Sunday from 11.30 am to 2.30 pm and from 6.30 pm to 11.30 pm
  • closed on Monday.

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