Zurigo restaurant pizzeria

“Carne salada” meat and Trentino traditions in Mori

Hospitality and an excellent cuisine are the elements that have marked the long and bright journey of this restaurant. It has a central hall that can host up to 150 people and another one with 80 seats, equipped with a play area for children.

The typical dish is cooked or raw “carne salada” meat, served with different side dishes. The large outdoor garden is perfect for a summer dinner or to enjoy an aperitif at Napo’s Bar.

  • Environment: Elegant
  • Special dish: Raw or cooked "carne salada" meat with side dishes
  • Seats: 150 inside and 80 outside
  • Spoken languages: Italian, English

Info and map

Ristorante Zurigo

Via del Garda, 63

38065 Mori (TN)

T: +39 0464 918359



Opening time

Restaurant opening hours: from Tuesday to Sunday from 12 pm to 3 pm and from 6.30 pm to 10 pm.

Pizzeria opening hours: from Tuesday to Sunday from 6.30 pm to 10 pm.

Closed on Monday.

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