Balter winery

Production and sale of still wines and sparkling Trento Doc wines

On the hill above Rovereto is a 16th century manor house surrounded by 10 hectares of sun-drenched vineyards. This is where the wines of the Balter family are made.

The Balter winery comes to winemaking in 1990 following a long career as a producer of grapes only. In the 10 hectares of vineyards that surround the winery Nicola Balter and the two sons Clementina and Giacomo cultivate their vineyards with extreme care. These produce the Trento Doc sparkling wines and the company’s still white and red wines. The area where the vineyards grow is particularly suitable thanks to its southern exposure, the grapes are kissed by the sun from morning to evening and thanks to the winds coming from Lake Garda.

The winery is situated on the top of a little hill above the city of Rovereto and has an underground wine cellar in order to favor the view of the farmland and the structure. The connection with the territory is the most important thing that the winery wants to transmit to the people who come to the Balter farm. Even though the farm is recent, it is now renowned for the high quality of its wines.

  • Products: Trento Doc, white and red still wines
  • Tastes: On reservation
  • Group visits: On reservation

Info and map

Balter winery

Via Vallunga II, 24
38068 Rovereto (TN)

T: +39 0464 430101
M: +39 348 3834274


  • Vacanze con gusto
  • strada del vino

Opening time

Opening time:

  • Monday to Friday from 9 am to 12 pm and from 1 pm to 5.30 pm
  • on Saturdays from 9.30 am to 12 pm and from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm
  • Sunday closed.


Guided tours costs:

  • Guided tour with Trento Doc and still wines tasting: € 8 per person
  • Guided tour with Trento Doc and still wines tasting paired with a board of Trentino gastronomic products: € 15.00 per person
  • Free entrance for schools and under 18s.

* Guided tours last approximately 1 hour and are also available in English. Reservation is required.

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