Benazzoli Onorio winery

Family tradition

The company was born in the 60s thanks to the initiative of the brothers Vittorio and Bruno who built this cellar for the production and sale of wines.

In 1985 Onorio, after obtaining a diploma in agriculture at the institute of San Michele all’Adige, collaborates in the company and, following in his father’s footsteps, works the land producing wine with passion.

Over the years the company surface has been increased and the experience has grown up to the present day where in the approximately 10 hectares of vineyards the best grapes are grown and selected to produce wines that evoke the flavors of the land from which they derive.

The desire to improve and the entrepreneurial spirit lead Onorio to open a new and welcoming shop in 2010 where, in addition to the tested bulk wines, he offers his own labels, thus starting the bottling activity of a small selection of his wines.

  • Products: White and red still wines
  • Shops: Open from Monday to Friday 8am-12pm and 2pm-6pm
  • Tastes: On reservation

Info and map

Benazzoli Onorio winery

Corso General Cantore, 52
38061 Serravalle di Ala

T: +39 0464 696681


Opening time

The store is open from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 6 pm. Closing days: Saturday afternoon and Sunday all day.

By booking, it is possible to have a tasting of the company wines in combination with some typical products such as grappa, jams, fruit and oil.

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