Conti Bossi Fedrigotti winery

Passion for the territory

The winery, managed with the support of Masi Agricola, consists of 40 hectares of vineyards divided into three main estates: Maso San Giorgio in Rovereto, Fojaneghe between Isera and Mori and Sant’Antonio in Pomarolo.

The Conti Bossi Fedrigotti family has lived in Rovereto, in Trentino, for almost 600 years and has been involved in the wine industry for more than 300 years. Since the first harvest in 1697, the passion for their land and the characteristic wines that express the typical aromas and scents of the Dolomites has been handed down from generation to generation.

With an extension of 40 hectares of vineyards, the company is among the largest in Trentino; its production consists in the typical local grapes such as Marzemino, Teroldego and Pinot Grigio which coexist with the great international vines such as Merlot, Cabernet, Chardonnay and Pinot Noir.

The Fojaneghe vineyard is particularly valuable, from which the first example of an Italian Bordeaux blend was created in 1961 by Count Federico. It is located between the municipalities of Mori and Isera at an altitude of about 300 meters where it enjoys an excellent exposure and where it benefits from the “Ora del Garda” breeze.

Since 2007, the Conti Bossi Fedrigotti estate has been one of the historic estates in the Venice region, part of the Masi Group.

  • Products: Sparkling wines and white and red still wines
  • Shops: Open on reservation
  • Tastes: On reservation

Info and map

Conti Bossi Fedrigotti winery

Via Unione, 43
38068 Rovereto (TN)

T: +39 0464 439250
M: +39 045 6832511;


Opening time

Point of sale open by reservation.

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