Plotegher Beer

The ancient tradition of the Cimbri population in a craft beer

The Plotegher Beer project born from the passion of the two Plotegher brothers for the history and ancient traditions linked to beer, once considered a magical drink, to the territory and to the Cimbrian population of which they are part.

After 20 years of home production, in 2015 born the company that in Besenello realizes its products at the foot of the greatest castle of Trentino, Castel Beseno located at the end of the enchanting Valle Del Rospach (Rio Cavallo in Italian) that leads to the Cimbrian uplands.

The Plotegher brewery was created with the aim of bringing back in its products the ancient traditions of the Cimbri, a population that still exists in Trentino today, precisely in Luserna: about 600 people who retain the original Cimbrian language.

Valkirija Trentina was the first amateur beer produced by the two Plotegher brothers in 1998 and today it represents one of their leading products. Corcolocia Trentina and ØL Trentina also deserve to be tried.

  • Products: Craft beers
  • Shops: From Monday to Friday from 6pm to 8pm
  • Tastes: On reservation
  • Group visits: On reservation

Info and map

Plotegher Beer

Via Nazionale, 1/1
38060 Besenello (TN)

M: +39 344 2085986


Opening time

Plotegher Brewery is open from Monday to Friday from 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm, on Saturdays only on reservation by calling 348 5229632.

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