Teddy Bier

The aroma of a unique and 100% craft beer

Specialized for more than twenty years in the creation of craft beers, the only goal of Gabriele Baldo, the owner of the brewery, and his staff has become over time to amaze their customers.

The company has its roots back in the distant 2006, the year in which Gabriele, who has been in the food sector for many years, saw an ambition as well as a deep passion in beer.

The first experiment carried out in a small laboratory and later marketed was the “Annebock” beer, a red-colored lager that soon became the company’s flagship product.

Nowadays, there are many types of beer you can choose from: from a classic blonde to a structured red, from a soft amber to an intense dark one. Also not to be missed are the limited editions, such as the “ChristmasBier” dedicated to the Christmas period.

Try them all, alone or in company, and enjoy recognizing their aromas: from the sweet hints of caramel, chocolate and honey to the fruity notes of elderberry, apple and cherry, up to the more spicy and citrusy hints.

  • Products: Craft blond, red, amber and dark beers
  • Shops: Monday and Saturday 3.30pm-8pm, from Tuesday to Friday 9am-12pm and 3.30pm-8pm

Info and map

Teddy Bier

Via Terra Nera, 80
38065 Mori (TN)

M: +39 348 4446909



Opening time

Opening hours:

  • Monday from 3.30 pm to 8 pm
  • from Tuesday to Friday from 9 am to 12 pm and from 3.30 pm to 8 pm
  • Saturday from 3.30 pm to 8 pm
  • closed on Sunday.

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