Casetta or round leaf Lambrusco

A spicy wine for real connoisseurs

Casetta wine has been present in Vallagarina, both in Trentino area and in Verona area, since immemorial time. A niche product not to be missed when visiting this territory.

Historical places for its growth are the calcareous cones between the villages of Marani and Santa Margherita, in the municipality of Ala. Nowadays this native variety is cultivated in small areas all along Vallagarina.

This type of vine is also known as “Maranela” like the nickname of a family from Marani, who used to cultivate it.

The Casetta has a strong ruby-red colour and it improves with time, when the green fruity notes become more spicy and complex, making it a more pleasant wine.

Visit the wine cellars of Vallagarina and taste their Casetta:

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Wine cellars in Rovereto and Vallagarina


Wine cellars in Rovereto and Vallagarina
