Museums for kids

Where? Rovereto


Every weekend activities for families in Rovereto Museums

More than 200 activities to discover art, history and science in the museum of Rovereto: laboratories, guided tours and itineraries for families.


At Mart Museum learn the different languages of art.

With the City Museum Foundation of Rovereto learn the different plants and flowers of Trentino, follow the footprints of dinosaurs and look at the stars.

At the Italian War History Museum explore tunnels and towers and live again the experience of the soldiers.

In the Diocesan Museum of Villa Lagarina discover the treasure of the noble Lodron family.

At Avio Castle travel in time among peasants, medieval camps and weapons.

Listel to the tolls of the Bell of Peace, symbol of universal peace.

With Hydrotour Dolomiti learn how water turns into clean energy in the Hydroelectric power plants of Santa Massenza and Riva del Garda.

Discover the activities organized by each museum:

Info and map

Rovereto and Vallagarina Tourist Board

Corso Rosmini, 21

38068 Rovereto (TN)

T: +39 0464 430363


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